About the National Eagle Center
Connecting people with eagles in nature, history, and culture.
As the world’s premier resource for impactful eagle education and experiences, guests visiting the National Eagle Center embark on an unforgettable experience, meet live eagles up close, and explore the connections eagles have to human history and cultures. Located on the banks of the Mississippi River in Wabasha, Minnesota, visitors can observe hundreds of Bald and Golden Eagles in the wild during the winter and learn about eagles in North America and around the world year-round.
The Center is committed to:

Educating guests about the ecology, biology and natural history of eagles.

Honoring the symbol and significance of eagles in American history and cultures around the world.

Inspiring and supporting environmental conservation and sustainability.
National Eagle Center Manifesto
Our Mission
To be the world’s premier resource for impactful eagle education and experiences.
Our Vision
To foster a world where the iconic power and presence of eagles is
known, respected, advocated for, and protected.
Our Timeline: From Hatching to Soaring
- We established EagleWatch, Inc. As a group of volunteers, we introduced visitors to the Wabasha views of wintering bald eagles from an outdoor observation deck along the river.
- We opened year-round in a small storefront downtown and welcomed our first two Eagle Ambassadors, Harriet and Angel.
- The National Eagle Center conducts its first annual golden eagle survey to help track the number of golden eagles migrating through the area during the winter months.
- In partnership with the City of Wabasha, we opened our 15,000 square foot interpretive center on the banks of the Mississippi River.
- We announced our $27 million renovation and expansion of the Center.
Want to support our mission to educate, honor, and inspire?
Donate to the care and maintenance of our eagles, staff, and facility
or become a National Eagle Center member.
Eaglewatch, Inc. dba National Eagle Center is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Help Conserve a National Treasure
Donate to the National Eagle Center today so that people can continue to admire these birds for many more tomorrows.
Become a Member
Get exclusive discounts on many eagle adventures and support the protection of eagles everywhere.